If Bhagawad Geeta had to take a human form and speak to us, it would probably
look like Swami Chinmayananda! Pujya Gurudev’s discourses on the Geeta, his
succinct expressions, signature oratory, unique sense of humour, in-depth
knowledge, authentic interpretations, unparalleled logic and practical approach
made Him one of the greatest teachers of the Bhagawad Geeta ever.
Experts consider Pujya Gurudev’s Holy Geeta to be one of the most practical and
by far an authority for study of Bhagawad Geeta.
One of the most befitting tributes we can offer to Him is to take this knowledge to
reach every room in every home! And thus, Chinmaya Mission Mumbai has very
loving undertaken the task of ensuring telecast of Pujya Gurudev’ s Talks on the
Bhagawad Geeta on TV.
Right now, it is telecast on Bhakti Sagar TV & Sri Sankara TV.