“Stress is a response to events that threaten or upset our balance in some way. It’s a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.” Swamiji explained the SIMPLE approach for invoking inner strength to cope and overcome stress. Spiritual depth, Intellectual clarity, Mental strength, Physical care, Lifestyle changes and External environment.
The formula for remaining stress free is:
Success – Stress = Skill + Strength
If our attitude is strong, we can face any challenge. We may not have a choice in what comes our way, but we have a choice how to respond, proactively and positively. Brooding over what cannot be changed is what causes stress. Hence, we must learn to graciously accept what we cannot change. Through interaction and activities, Swamji drove the point home that one must drop the past baggage that one is carrying. He made us understand that a human mind cannot multi-task. It is important to identify a noble cause and work selflessly. We must do what we love and love what we do. We must study for at least twenty minutes daily, to keep the intellect stimulated, meditate, do pranayama regularly - are some pointers that will keep us stress-free.