Mahima zone successfully completed this year's Geeta Chanting Competition.
The rollout started with an online Geeta Dootas workshop. Smt. Vasantha Gopal conducted the workshop which was attended by about 20 Dootas.
Mahima Zone received about 1017+ registrations from schools, adults, Shishuvihars and Balavihars.
The Dootas were allotted schools and training started from the 1st week of September in small batches of 15.
The elimination round of the competition for Groups A to E, spread over two weeks ended on 15th December, which saw 453 students competing for a place in the finals.
The area finals was conducted on Sunday, 21st December with 220+ participants from all groups. It was held from 11am to 7pm through three zoom accounts and across 8 sessions.
The core team of Smt. Mangala Panchapakesan, Smt. Kalyani Venkateswaran and Smt. Bhuvana Raju oversaw the entire competition right from planning, allocation and execution.