

Chinmaya Pradeep - Support Required

Chinmaya Pradeep is to empower the lives of Individuals with clarity, courage and confidence to face the challenges of life. We seek your generous support for Chinmaya Pradeep.  It will be one of the best seva-s that one can do - Jnana Seva, as it transforms the Vision and Values in the  individuals and the society. 

Yajmans invited for Chinmaya Pradeep Sampoorna Yajman, Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, 10 Steps of Knowledge, Sannyas of Swami Chinmayananda, Sthitaprajna Lakshana, Form & Formless exhibits. 

We will be making a Corpus for the regular maintenance of Chinmaya Pradeep. You are welcome to contribute towards it


Online Donation


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