
Chinmaya Bookstall

The Kido Fido Exhibition for children, organized by children of Amulakh School had a bookstall with Chinmaya Mission books, mainly for children. Team members of Mahima zone did an excellent job of promoting the Mission books, which were bought by enthusiastic parents. Enthusiastic volunteers created further awareness of Chinmaya Mission activities in the zone, like new Shishu Vihar and Bala Vihar classes and new Study Groups. Parents were informed of the Mahasivaratri Celebration at Gujarat Seva Mandal, Matunga on 22nd February. Satyam Shivam Sundaram – the annual family summer camp had many enquiries. Leaflets were distributed and camp highlights were given by a team of dedicated sevikas. Co-ordinated by sevika Dimple Parekh, the bookstall was a huge success.

Chinmaya Bookstall

Chinmaya Bookstall

Chinmaya Bookstall