
Importance and Significance of Guru Purnima Talk by Brni Sailata

As part of their Golden Jubilee Celebrations, Trombay Sastha Mandal invited Brni. Sailata to deliver a talk in English on the Importance and Significance of Guru Purnima. Sailataji highlighted the importance of Gurus as one of the greatest gift in one's life. Guru Purnima is Vyasa Purnima. She spoke about the different types of Gurus as enumerated by Lord Shiva to Parvati in Guru Geeta. Jagadguru is Sri Krishna Himself! She encapsulated the entire teaching of Krishna, through important shlokas calling attention to the need to study Gita in depth. There was good interaction between Sailataji and the audience; the talk was well received, with the blessings of Sri Ayyappa and Guru Parampara.

Guru Purnima Celebration
Guru Purnima Celebration