
Swami Aparajitanandas Talks

Chinmaya Prerana held a very enriching three-day series of talks on ‘How to grow spiritually’ by Swami Aparajitananda. It was attended by a large group of seekers who listened with rapt attention and enjoyed the analogies and quotes from various texts. It was a very well structured talk in which Swamiji touched upon:

1. Connecting with one self via good noble thoughts

2. Connecting with the world via gratitude and humility

3. Connecting with the Lord via devotion and surrender

The take-away for the learners was the value of Self-Introspection; to be aware of what kinds of thoughts fleet through our mind. On the second day, Swamiji stressed on the two important principles of gratitude and humility, with which we have to interact with the world around. He emphasised on how using these two values as tools will make our life much easier and bring clarity in relating to the world. The most valuable relation we all have with the Lord will be possible only with the qualities of devotion and surrender. Swamiji spoke at length on how we should develop these two sterling qualities in ourselves. He also helped us see the miseries one would face, if we are not in tune with these life principles. At the end of the third day, a grateful audience expressed its thanks and also a wish to listen to more pearls of wisdom from Swamiji.

Swami Aparajitananda’s Talks