
Demystifying Creator & Creation – Talks on Purusha Suktam by Swami Swatmananda

Demystifying Creator & Creation – Talks on Purusha Suktam by Swami Swatmananda commenced on 5th March and concluded on 8th March at Prem Puri Ashram, Babulnath, Chowpatty.

The talks were attended by about 150 people and 38 people attended via webinar.

Swamiji started the talk by explaining the meaning of the words Purusha which refers to God as the Cosmic Being, who is beyond space and time; and Suktam which is a hymn in praise of God. Thus, Purusha Suktam is a set of mantras in praise of God, which were revealed to Narayanan Rishi and appear in all the Vedas. It helps us to rise above our individuality and merge with totality, and also explains Creation and the nature of the Creator. It is chanted extensively in order to bring peace and harmony in the society.

This Purusha is described as having countless heads and eyes, meaning it enlivens every being. He is both immanent, i.e. all pervading and transcendental, meaning beyond creation. Each of us is a part of this Viraat swaroop, which is eternal and immortal, and gives existence to all in all three states of time.

Swamiji explained logically that creation cannot be an evolution, production or modification. Therefore, it's an illusion, which appears to be constantly changing, and God/Truth is the changeless substratum who is unaffected by the vicissitudes of this world.

This Purusha created the Cosmic Body, made up of countless galaxies, and also entered into infinite individual bodies (us), who forgot their true nature, considering themselves as only the body! Fortunately, the Lord does not forget us, and rescues us from time to time, bringing us back to Him. The Cosmic Being also created Devatas, who carry forward the creative process by performing yajna, in which sacrifices are made which symbolize our ego and negative tendencies, thus setting the mind free to experience divine joy and realise the infinite Truth.

When we give our best, we get the best. The devatas sacrificed everything with the noblest feelings, thus this divine creation came into existence. The Vedas, which are a manual to a happy life, here and hereafter, giving knowledge of the Self and Dharma, manifested from the Purusha at the time of creation. They were revealed to great rishis in their seat of meditation and provide solutions to all our problems and help us to go beyond the cycle of birth and death. Purusha Suktam elaborates on the caste system which was created for harmony and prosperity in the society and is based on guna and karma, but everyone being created equal.

This Pure Being (Purusha) can be realised, through knowledge, reflection and meditation to attain immortality, as has been declared by our Enlightened Masters.

Demystifying Creator Creation
Demystifying Creator Creation

Demystifying Creator Creation
Demystifying Creator Creation

Demystifying Creator Creation
Demystifying Creator Creation

Demystifying Creator Creation
Demystifying Creator Creation