
Rang Satsang @ Chinmaya Pradeep

More than 50 members of the Chinmaya family got together to participate in the Holi celebrations held @Chinmaya Pradeep and Sandeepany Ashram titled aptly as रंग Satsang! The program started out with a beautiful satsang session with Swami Swatmananda, Br.Ved Chaitanya and Brni. Nidhi Chaitanya followed by celebrations with colours. The entire program can be summarized as follows:

When you understand the beauty of our colourful culture. We experience रंग Satsang!

When you are made to realize that colours remove our distinctions. We experience रंग Satsang!

When you are told to accept with love every person as we accept every colour. We experience रंग Satsang!

When you are made aware that every colour (creation) is part of White (Brahman) alone...we experience रंग Satsang!

When your mind is lifted to get a glimpse of Prahlad's devotion. We experience रंग Satsang!

When your eyes shed tears of gratitude seeing the compassion of the Lord. We experience रंग Satsang!

When you feel His illumining (Pradeep) presence everywhere. We experience रंग Satsang!

When we see the colours surrender to the flowing Ganga adding beauty to it and finding their ultimate abode. We experience रंग Satsang!

When we celebrate with responsibility and have maximum fun with discipline. We experience रंग Satsang!

When we sing His praises with showers of colours. We experience रंग Satsang!

Those of us who experienced रंग Satsang experienced something that will forever colour our hearts with devotion and heads with wisdom!

Thus each one present expressed their heartfelt gratitude to Gurudev, Swamiji, Nidhiji, Vedji and our entire Guru Parampara for helping us understand and promote our glorious culture!

-Compiled by S.Aravind Raghavan