Learn the Geeta, Live the Geeta
(60 Sessions’ Certificate Course on Bhagvad Geeta in association with Chinmaya International Foundation - CIF, Kerala)
Starting 5th February 2017
Ending in September 2018(May 2017 and 2018 there will be no classes and also on some important festivals)
Venue: Prempuri Ashram,Chowpatty, South Mumbai
Study the Geeta in a structured way through 30 lessons offered by CIF. Sharpen your understanding through periodic evaluations Learn Geeta Chanting, Meditation & many spiritual practices Apply the Geeta in daily life
Eligibility: 16years and above
Minimum Donation (Non-Refundable): Rs.11,000/-(Covers Course Material, Certificate and Activities etc.). Any other Sponsorships/Donations for the above course will be helpful to meet the costs.
Email: [email protected]
Online Registration & Course Donation