

Dynamic parenting

Dynamic Parenting!
Parenting in today’s digital age throws up new challenges and Parents are ever eager to receive 
some sound practical advice on effective parenting. Sensing this need, the Resident Acharya  of Navi 
Mumbai  Br Ved Chaitanyaji  conducted a workshop on “DYNAMIC PARENTING ”for the Parents of 
Balavihar children on the 28th of June at the Chinmaya Prerana Ashram. 60 Parents enthusiastically 
participated in the workshop.  With great excitement and animation the parents discussed the 
challenges and problems faced by them. It was amusing to note that after lots of brain storming the 
parents concluded that through the ages, parents in every generation faced the same dilemma and 
they themselves as children would have been a handful for their own parents. Technology has just 
added a little more complexity! .Vedji gave very useful and practical tips to tackle most of the 
challenges. He also beautifully explained how to develop the attitude of being a “Caretaker” rather 
than the “Creator”. This attitude he said will help in being more objective than being overwhelmed.  
He made three pertinent points which was a great take away for the Parents :-
1) Children are great observers and they learn through their “eyes” more than their “ears”. 
They pick up cues from the parents body language and behaviour. So it is important to 
become what you expect from your children
2) Learning should be on the child’s terms -the fun and the playful way.
3) Do not transfer your unfulfilled ambitions onto the children. They are here to live their own 
dreams. Just provide the right atmosphere to nurture and help them blossom
Parents lapped up each word from Vedji. Even after the conclusion of the session, parents were seen 
seeking guidance and advice on their personal queries.