
Annual Devi Group Class Satsang (on Zoom) in Gujarati

Event: Annual Devi Group Class Satsang (on Zoom) in Gujarati

Topic: 1) How to develop Mumukshutvam and Maya and Ishwara

By: Sw. Swatmananda ji

Date: 24 September, 2020

Attended by: Sevikas Varsha ji Dalal’ sclass

Reported by: Varsha Dalal


It was our great fortune to have Satsang of Pujya Swami Swatmananda ji during Adhik Maas. It is said you get ‘adhikasya adhik phalam’ if you do anything during this month. 

Swami expounded:

1)    Mumukshutvam means desire for liberation. Who seeks liberation ? The one who feels or knows that he is bound, is in bondage, seeks liberation. Due to extreme attachment to people,objects and situations we are not aware that we are bound. Raag- dwesha is the cause of it.

Pujya Swami ji gave exquisite details to deal the attachment through Satsang- Knowledge; by doing Dharma Vivek, which will lead to Brahma Vivek, which will
naturally lead to Dispassion. Dispassion is “To have burning desire for Bhagwan and to decrease the desire for raag and dwesh”.

Mumukshutvam means liberation from my
• ignorance - agnaan
•body identification - dehaatma bhaava
• jeeva bhaava

Mumukshutvam means burning desire for
• knowledge
• Devotion for God
• Surrender to God

To know that God alone is
• Ocean of happiness
• Ocean of love
• Ocean of knowledge
to burn the desire of attachment with people, place and objects is Mumukshutvam.

2) Maya and Ishwar

Pujya Swami ji simplified the intricacy of the Subject and explained: 
In Vedanta, the concept of Maya is given to make us realise the ever changing nature of the world, so we detach from it and attach to unchanging Self.

Avidya Maya has prominence of Rajas and Tamas, has qualities like attachment, greed, selfishness, ignorance,
procrastination, delusion which binds us.
Vidya Maya has Sattva Guna, has qualities like knowledge, peace, bliss which liberates us.

In Tattvabodha concept of Ishwar is given as:

Brahman + Maya = Ishwar
Ishwar is Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent. Jeeva is endowed with ego and his knowledge , power and strength are limited. With the dawn of the knowledge of Mahavakya ,Jeeva gives up his identity with body and Jeeva Bhava, takes refuge at the feet of Ishwar ; Ishwar also drops the Ishwaratva and what remains is the experience of Brahman.

So, this is the relation of jeeva - Ishwar - Maya - Brahman.

Annual Devi Group Class Satsang (on Zoom) in Gujarati