
Brahmajnanavali Mala by Sw Bodhatmananda ji

It was an amazing treat for all Vedantins to hear Swami Bodhatmananda ji’s discourse on Bhagawan Adi Shankaracharya’s brilliant composition, Brahmajnanavali Mala over 6th to 8th February 2020 at Prempuri Ashram, Mumbai.

A packed hall eagerly soaked in Swamiji’s lucid and detailed introduction, background, and the detailed explanations of all the 21 verses.

Brahmajnanavali Mala - “a garland of a series of pointers of the Self” - These pointers are what one should meditate upon in Nidhidyasana which will help in knowing one’s True Self and the Highest Source of Happiness.

The verses clearly highlight:

1. The numerous facets of Brahman/Atma and distinguish it from Anatma.

2. There is only one Truth - Brahman - Chaitanya Swarup, Asanga, Sat Chit Ananda.

3. The world of objects & beings is Mithya.

4. Given the privilege of a human birth one needs to and can definitely realise our true nature which is Brahman/Atma.

The audience derived plenty of daily sadhana examples and gained lots to reflect upon in their journey as sadhakas.

Brahmajnanavali Mala by Sw. Bodhatmananda ji
Brahmajnanavali Mala by Sw. Bodhatmananda ji

Brahmajnanavali Mala by Sw. Bodhatmananda ji
Brahmajnanavali Mala by Sw. Bodhatmananda ji

Brahmajnanavali Mala by Sw. Bodhatmananda ji
Brahmajnanavali Mala by Sw. Bodhatmananda ji