

Navi Mumbai level Gita Chanting Final competition

Area Finals of 2nd Chinmaya International Geeta Chanting Competition 
2015 was held on 10th and 11th October 2015 in our Chinmaya Prerana 
Ashram, Kharghar. Competition took place in 4 sessions.  Around 1250 
students from various schools across Navi Mumbai and Raigad district 
participated in the competition. Br. Ved Chaitanyaji addressed the 
parents in each session on the topics of Parenting, Importance of Geeta 
and Essence of Geeta. All participants were given certificates. 6 winners 
from each group were given trophies. Consolation prizes were also given. 
Winners will take part in the All Mumbai Finals on 25th of October 
2015.  Food Stalls were also arranged for the Parents and participants.  
On the whole competition went on very smoothly.