In the evening programme, on the day of Geeta Jayanti, between 3.00 pm to 6.30 pm, Sampoorna Geeta Parayan was conducted via online zoom session.
Swami Swatmananda began this soulful session with the Geeta mahatmya, followed by the chanting of the Geeta dhyana shlokas. Swamiji then started the parayan, by chanting the first chapter of the Geeta, next different members took turns to chant a chapter each.
Swamiji coordinated the chanting of chapters 12 and 15 to coincide with the timing called upon by our prime minister, Sri Narendra Modi, wherein he urged people across the world, to join in chanting together of these two chapters at 6.00 pm IST. The prime minister tweeted this message and also shared a link from the Chinmaya mission web resources as a reference and aid to chanting.
The Sampoorna Geeta Parayan was inspiring and deeply meditative, a beautiful event that concluded with the arti of Geeta ji.
Swamiji spoke about ‘Gita Sugita kartavyaa’, how one must master and live by the Bhagavad Geeta. May we take the Krishna-cure for the Arjuna-disease that we are going through. May Mother Geeta be our ‘Bhavadveshineem ‘, destroyer of Bhava-roga, the insatiable thirst to become something and the bondage of finitude. Om Geeta Maatre Namaha.