Geeta Jnana Yagna by Swami Aparajitananda was held at Shree Krishna Temple Hall, Veera Desai Road, Andheri West. The yagna was attended by over 150 enthusiastic devotees. The topic was Bhagawad Gita Chapter 2 – Sankhya Yoga. On the first day, Swamiji gave a brief synopsis of Chapter 1 – Arjuna Vishada Yoga, to explain the circumstances that led to this enlightening conversation between Bhagawan and Arjuna. He then explained the meaning of Sankhya Yoga. The 7th shloka in Chapter 2 was the turning point, when Arjuna surrenders to Lord Krishna, thereby leading to the revelation of this divine knowledge.
Swamiji spoke about shlokas 12 to 25, where Knowledge of the Self is vividly explained. The worldly as well as dharmic reasons were given by Bhagawan to Arjuna for doing his duty. Swamiji further spoke about purifying our minds, about Karma yoga and Karma yogi. Lastly, he described the attributes of a Sthithaprajna, man of steady wisdom. The audience was enthralled by Swamiji’s eloquent and lucid style. Each day’s satsang began with a bhajan session. Three days prior to the talks, bhajan sessions were conducted by Punitaji on the 29th, by Sushma and Kartik on the 30th and by Murli on the 31st. Pujya Gurudev’s aarti was performed daily, by the ardent devotees.
![Geeta Jnana Yagna by Swami Aparajitananda](/media/images/html/geeta_jnana_yagna_2019_1.jpg)
![Geeta Jnana Yagna by Swami Aparajitananda](/media/images/html/geeta_jnana_yagna_2019_2.jpg)