
Krishna’s Teachings for me

With Sri Krishna’s blessings, the zone was enabled to conduct a children’s camp in just five days! With energy and enthusiasm, we geared up for the camp; sending fliers to spread the news about the camp, preparing camp booklet, planning activities, games, puzzles, sattvik food etc. There were more than thirty children. Day 1 saw the teachings at the gross level, slowly moving to subtler, then culminating at the subtlest teachings contained in Krishna’s Bhagawad Gita. The children shared what they learnt with family members as was evident from messages received from parents as feedback.

Teachings were interspersed with activities, games and fun, like diya-making and decorating, and Gurudev’s Paduka Puja for children to perform. They finally returned home contented with their Deepavali gift - Gita for Children written by Gurudev. It was indeed a learning time for the children and others who did seva.

Krishnas Teachings for me

Krishnas Teachings for me