Emotional distress is the most common ailment affecting children and adults alike during these pandemic days.
Chinmaya Jayam Zone organised a one day workshop for the faculty members of Arya Vidya Mandir ( AVM) group of Institutions on 30th of July.
It was conducted by Shri Vidhu Sharma of Chinmaya Mission, Navi Mumbai.
The topic of the talk was “ Emotional Stability” based on learnings from Bhagavad Gita which was conducted in two sessions.
More than 170 Teachers from AVM Bandra (West) , Bandra ( East) and Juhu attended these sessions conducted on Zoom platform.
Shri Sharma spoke of the 5 S's necessary for stability. Svadharma, Shraddha, Seva, Svadhyaya and Samatvam.
The teaching was conveyed through striking practical examples, interesting anecdotes and interactive sessions.
The presentation ended with a Q & A.
The participants found the talk both insightful as well as interesting and the feedback received was very positive.