Swami Aparajitananda ji conducted a Jnana Yagna on Bhagavad Geeta Chapter 15, Purushottama Yoga at Ayyappa Temple, Bangur Nagar, Goregaon West. In just five days, Swamiji provided a deep insight into Purushottama Yoga, in a simple and lucid manner. He said the reason why it is called a Shastram is because it covers six major topics - Jeevah vicharah, Jagat vicharah, Iswara, Bandah, Moksha and Sadhana vicharah.
Sri Krishna described a very strange but seemingly eternal AĆhvatth tree, with its roots above (urdhva-moolam) and branches below. Its leaves are Vedic hymns and one who knows the secret of this tree is the knower of Vedas. The leaves of the tree are Vedic mantras that deal with ritualistic ceremonies and their rewards and they provide the juice for nourishing the tree. By engaging in ritualistic practices described in these Vedic mantras, the jiva goes to heaven to enjoy celestial pleasures, only to descend back to earth when meritorious deeds are depleted. Thus, the leaves of the tree nourish it by perpetuating the cycle of life and death. This tree in the form of samsaar seems eternal (avyayam) to the limited jiva. Delving deeper into the subject, Swamiji showed how a jiva can come out of this samsaar. The yagna was very well attended, on all five days, concluding with a sense of deep gratitude to Pujya Gurudev and to our guru parampara.